I worked for many years as a programmer in some computer installations and taught programming for some years. I love reading history and maritime fiction about English, Scottish, Roman, Egyptian, Assyrian, Persian, and more ancient civilizations. I love the works of Nigel Tranter. C.S. Forester, Bernard Cornwell, S.J.A. Turney, H.A. Culley, Alexander Kent, Griff Hosker, Wilbur Smith, and more. After many years I decided to return to an early passion, writing. The idea of the Amazing Flying Belt was in my head for many years. At last,
I decided to write books.

I wrote four book series
until now
All are on Amazon which can be reach them by writing in google, in amazon the connection
Zvi Rozenblit

see their details in the relevant page of this site by their page name down here.

1. Tיe flying belt.
2. Mark and Liz.
3. The Dreamer adventures.
4. Dan the boy flyer. 


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 I wrote four book series .

see their details in the relevant page of this site by their page name down here.

1. THe flying belt.
2. Mark and Liz.
3. The Dreamer adventures.
4. Dan the boy flyer. 

To the surfers
Here I write and update news about the site

and its books

Lately, I finished the two first books of
the wonderful voyages of Dan the boy flyer

The amazing flying belt

The book series of “The Amazing Flying Belt” tells you the amazing and wonderful adventures of Henry and his teenage sons Tim (17), Din (16), and Paul (18). How they became rich after having endured bad experiences. Chased by cruel enemies around the world who wanted to rob them. How did they survive it? Using Henry’s magnificent invention of “The Amazing Flying Belt.” Henry envisioned and designed a kind of machine that would be light and small enough to be worn on the waist. It would be full of tiny electronic and mechanical devices to enable a maximum of two people to fly unlimited distances at different velocities and heights. It would be powered by a special device that converted the sun’s solar energy into electricity. The user would never need to worry about any fuel for the flying belt. For balance, the belt generated air pockets around the user to allow him to sit, stand, or lie down while flying. Another crucial device was a special container tied on each side of the belt that pulled out and accumulated moisture from the air, even in arid conditions (this, of course, worked more slowly than in humid countries.) It had many more devices - complicated and difficult to understand.
Henry sent his son Paul for a first flight in the new flying belt What happened to him after he lost his way?
Henry flew in search of him.
Did he manage to save Paul? and what happened to Henry?
Henry had a nice neighbor named George, but when George suspected Henry got a treasure, George became what he really was a ruthless criminal and gangster. 

 ? What happened between George, his men, Henry, and his son 

Read more of Henry, and his sons' adventures in Florida, the Bahamas, and South Africa,

 Further on in this book

Buy books of this series on Amazon at this connection 

The Amazing Flying Belt

The book series “The Amazing Adventures of Mark and Elizabeth” takes you on a journey of epic proportions following Mark and Elizabeth, Liz for short, as they travel around the world. Mark a born leader is strong, clever, adventurous, and courageous for his ripe age of 18 years old. He has blue eyes like the sea, brown short hair, a strong jaw, long hands, and muscled long legs giving him a height of about 1,90 meters. His sister Liz had beautiful blue sparkling eyes, long blond hair, thin and with good shape, sometimes dreamy and frightened, but usually determined, clever, and courageous girl of 17 years old. They are from Miami, Florida, Neighbors of Henry and his sons, Paul, Tim, and Din (The heroes of the series, The Amazing Flying Belt). One day when they came to meet their friend Din (in a rare time when he was at home and not far away on his adventures.) they were also greeted by Henry Din’s father. who suggested they begin their first adventure for him, in return, they will get a boat and a flying belt each, the same he and his sons and their girlfriends use. If they succeed in those missions, the special boat and flying belts will become theirs. 
Mark and Liz sailed from Florida on their first voyage.

Read about it and other amazing events in this exciting story

  Buy books of this series on Amazon at the connection

The amazing adventures of Mark and Liz

  1.  In Miami lived a boy of 18 years old, named Robert, strong muscles, tall, clever with a lot of imagination. Blue penetrating eyes, brown short hair, who loved to read books and dreamt of having amazing adventures. Usually, he dreamt his fascinating dreams at night, but many times it was during the day.  He had a sister named Helen, 17 years old beauty, with a shaped body, blue big eyes like her brother, and long beautiful blond hair.  They lived with their parents in a house near the sea.  One day when Robert sat on his chair in his room, dreaming, she just stood near him, hearing strange voices coming from his open mouth.  Feeling afraid she pushed him causing him to wake up with unseeing eyes.  Frightened she wanted to push him again when Robert talked to her with a strange voice. “Helen, write down my adventure,”  Then his eyes closed again, but he talked to her, and she wrote everything he said including his strange voice and his frightening story.  Feeling strange as she herself was transferred into another place, she saw in her imagination what was occurring to her brother Robert the dreamer.
    Robert and Alfred were aboard the “Mary” the only survivors of the crew in a storm.
    Would they save themselves?
    They heard a sea battle between pirates and a merchant ship, will they be caught by the cruel pirates? will they reach an island to save themselves or die at sea?”

    Find out those, and more in the exciting and interesting story

  2. Buy books of this series on Amazon in the connection of
    The amazing adventures of the dreamer.

Dan, Henry’s cousin got from him an amazing flying belt to be used to fly to many places in the world, after hard practicing with Henry in Miami, Florida.
Dan is a 13-year-old boy. Tall for his age strong and thin with short brown hair and blue wise eyes.
The flying belt consists of a machine that would be light and small enough so it could be worn around the waist. It was full of tiny electronic and mechanical devices to enable a maximum of two people to fly unlimited distances at different velocities and heights. It was powered by a special device that converted the sun’s energy into electricity. The user would never need to worry about any fuel for his flying belt. For balance, the belt generated air pockets around the user to allow him to sit, stand, or lie down while flying. Another crucial device was a special container tied on each side of the belt that pulled out and accumulated moisture from the air, It had many more devices - complicated and difficult to understand at first glance.
Dan participated in a voyage.
Which voyage?
With whom did he do it?
Dan helped the great man with his magic powers.
What were those Magic powers?
Dan’s life was in danger. By whom?
How did it happen?
There was a danger to the great man.
How did Dan help him out of it?

Find out in this book what happened and read about more events in this interesting and

amazing book.

Buy books of this series on Amazon in connection with

The Wonderful Voyages of Dan the Boy flyer